Man of the Futures Leo Melamed
This is a great book that I believe everyone should read.
It’s not only a book about the futures industry; it’s a an immigrant story, it’s a story about Chicago, a story about the American Dream and it’s also a success story about a visionary who transforms an industry and builds it to adapt to the future, which is something we all can learn from regardless of your industry.
For those of us who have been in the futures industry it’s impossible to not have been influenced by Leo.
In this time that we living in, it’s hard to not think/hope that there are 100s of other Leo’s out there making the dangerous journey to America that who will also enrich our nation.
Man of the Futures Leo Melamed it’s well written and an easy read. I highly recommend it to everyone
#leomelamed #cme #cmegroup #futures #futurestrading #commodities #cbot #chicago #melamed #ceres #davidnealis