Friday, December 31, 2021

You're what? Tin roof……Rusted!


We enter into 2022 with tin prices continuing to surge to all-time highs. As demand increases, corona virus variants continue to disrupt supply chains and as nations and even corporations weaponize trade against their rivals who will be successful in securing the resources that they need?

To put the urgency into perspective there is no significant amount of tin mined or smelted in North or Central America. China is the world’s largest producer of tin with Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Rwanda also being major producers.

One of the fears of non-Chinese producers is that the Chinese will flood the market with cheap tin like they have with cooper, rare earths and other products in the past and that is a valid concern.

 So as the world weaponizes trade against its geopolitical and commercial rivals how will your firm secure the resources required to thrive into the next decade?

 You're what? Tin roof……Rusted!

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